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Sarah Keeling
Free Prayer Postcard for Teachers
Here's a free prayer card for you to send to your children's teachers.

Sarah Keeling
Finding Peace in the Midst of the Storms in Your Motherhood
by Amber Palmer The water started to come up to my ankles and the boat I was in was struggling to stay afloat. Slowly I began sinking...

Sarah Keeling
Six Simple Ways to Connect with Your Kids this Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is coming up, and most of us will have extra time at home with our kids. Here are a few ideas to make the most of that time...

Dorina Lazo Gilmore-Young
Walk, Run, Soar: Learning to Rest Without Guilt
Dorina has a powerful story of loss and restoration and is such an inspiration to those dealing with devastating grief.

Sarah Keeling
Global-Focused Books for Kids
Reading books together is a great way to expose kids to other people and cultures around the world. Our kids can learn that these people...

Sarah Keeling
7 Simple Prayer Truths to Share with Your Kids
How can I explain prayer to my children? You may have asked yourself that question. Figuring out where to start can be a bit...

Sarah Keeling
A Kids’ Prayer Closet in 6 Easy Steps
A Prayer Closet is a special place for kids to meet with God. I remember that, as a child, I needed to escape the chaos of my house and...

Sarah Keeling
Before You Teach Your Kids to Pray, Do These Two Things
Here are two things to do before teaching your kids to pray. 1. Pray that God would give them the desire to talk to him. 2. Model prayer.

Sarah Keeling
Born in Prayer
Sweet Baby Nick was born in our prayer room. Whaaat? I had a baby at home? I did, and it was wonderful! (wonderful and painful, but still...

Sarah Keeling
Celebrating the End (of Breastfeeding)
That may sound weird, but I’m celebrating our breastfeeding journey, including the reality that it is over. I stubbornly held on, pushed...

Sarah Keeling
We’re having a baby!
The last several months have been full of mixed emotions. Incredible excitement and awe about the future and having a baby, plus...

Sarah Keeling
Psalm Prayers for Kids
I wrote a book!! I can hardly believe it! Here's how it happened: I have been praying the Psalms for several years now. Every day I read...

Sarah Keeling
Changes with Heart Work Tees
Lots of big things happening around here! It is still hard for me to believe that we are having a baby!! I have been praying about the...

Sarah Keeling
Monte Albán
Monte Albán is an incredible historic site of Zapoteco ruins near Oaxaca City. It also happens to be where the end of Nacho Libre was...

Sarah Keeling
Oaxaca Tortillas
In Oaxaca, they eat lots of corn tortillas, and they are so good. Mack and I had our own tortilla lesson, which was super fun! Of course...

Sarah Keeling
Why Oaxaca?
Maybe you are wondering, “what is Oaxaca? Why did Sarah go there this summer?” Oaxaca is a state in Mexico near Chiapas, which is near...

Sarah Keeling
Beauty for Ashes
The past 12 weeks I have seen God making beauty from ashes. Today I read Psalm 147:3 and it struck me so profoundly. “He heals the...

Sarah Keeling
Jenn's Exceedingly Abundantly Story
"I was sexually abused as a young girl. I was told I most likely wouldn't be able to have children. I was told that a woman called to...

Sarah Keeling
Larissa's Exceedingly Abundantly Story
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be...

Sarah Keeling
Paula's Exceedingly Abundantly Story
"As a fairly young bride and new mom, my husband suffered a massive heart attack. I found myself standing all alone, in a hospital with...
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