I arrived 10 minutes early and promptly took Mack to the bathroom. I thought, “Ok, now we should be good.” We all know that’s not how it works with kids! Exactly at the same time as Mark, one of the VPs of The Seed Company pulled up to the church, Mack declared, “I have to go again!” I waved to Mark and we ran to the bathroom. When we got back outside, Mark seemed confused as to why I had abandoned him. I tried to apologize as delicately as possible. “I’m sorry we had to run inside for a bathroom emergency.”
That is how my meeting got started last Friday! Let me back up and explain how we got there.
Last week I received a phone call from Scottye at The Seed Company asking if I could meet with Mark, one of their VPs that Friday. He was in the area already, and wanted to meet with me. Of course I wanted to meet with him, so I came up with the plan to meet at our church playground so Mack could play while we talked.
Have you ever tried to have a meeting with your kids? It’s pretty comical! Mack was zooming around us pushing dump trucks full of mulch while we discussed future dreams for Heart Work Tees and The Seed Company. I shared my story and Mark shared some of his too. He is one of those people that could be a motivational speaker on the side. We talked about the Heart Work Initiative and my dreams of hosting a “South Asia Experience” party. I want people to get to experience that culture first hand, and I know that most people cannot travel across the world.
We brainstormed, and he suggested getting me in contact with another couple who has very successfully hosted something similar in Ohio and The Seed Company’s lead trainer who might be able to come and share her first hand experiences of the Bible story telling ministry in South Asia. Wow. I walked away from that meeting feeling like these dreams are much closer to becoming a reality.

Also, I was able to get an update from the team in South Asia. They are feeling much better and are able to continue with the training. Thank you for your prayers!
The Seed Company was so generous and gave us a basket of gifts as a thank you. There was a children’s book in there that shows many people groups that currently do not have the Bible in their language. I was amazed that there are so many. There is much work to be done in Bible translation. One of the things that really stood out to me is that The Seed Company’s goal is to aid missionaries in those areas by providing local people with the Bible in their language. I have never really thought about that. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to plant a church without the Bible in a language that the people understand. Also, The Seed Company is empowering locals in their Bible translation projects, which is really awesome.

A page from the A to Z book about Bibleless people
I would love your prayers as we move forward with planning a “South Asia Experience” party.
And to think, all of this happened at a church playground. I kind of love that. God is not only using executives in board rooms or missionaries in far away countries. He is using all of us, including moms of energetic preschool boys. We can all be a part of what God is doing in the world.