(Photo courtesy of Jacob Branch)
Emotionally drained
Raw Exposed Blessed Joyful Excited These are all the emotions that I'm feeling after our intense interview last week with The Seed Company.
Let me explain. They are writing an article for their publication, Co: Mission and making a video about our family. Ty and I were each interviewed individually and then we were all interviewed as a family. This is not a skittles and rainbows type of video. From what I gather, they are telling my story of chronic illness and miscarriage and how God comforted our family through His Word in those times. I told the interviewer, Mitch, afterwards that he had some serious interviewing skills. He could have been a counselor, because his questions were deep and got to the heart of the matter. Honestly it felt a little bit like being in an intense counseling session with 4 people watching and video taping you at the same time. Exposed!! And they wanted to really dig into the hard emotional stuff. I thought I could share about those things without being emotionally impacted, but I was wrong. It is like they ripped the band-aid off an old wound and it's still raw. Today is the one year anniversary of our miscarriage and my grandmother's death, so that has added to the emotions for me. You know what though? I would do it again if they asked. Because our story does not have a sad ending. Our story ends with holding so tightly to the hope that we have in Jesus, and that is everything. It's good to look back at what God has brought us through, even if that means we look at our dark dark places. I'm so thankful that He was always with me, and that He will never leave me. We feel so privileged to share what God has done, and we are excited to see God glorified through our story.

Along with the interviews, we took LOTS of pictures. Here is Blake from Atria Creative taking pictures with Mack. They were all SO nice and gracious to us. We really felt so honored to have these guys in our home interviewing us, and we expressed our gratitude by feeding them as much beef as possible. :-) Mitch is on the left, and he unfortunately sustained a facial injury due to Mack's whiffle ball skills. I think he only played soccer with him after that! Ha! Mack was a total groupie and followed the crew around with our cheap tripod and old digital camera. It was so cute.

Here they are in our front yard about to launch the drone video camera. Yeah that was crazy fancy. Of course Mack thought it was awesome! We got to hear many amazing stories from these guys and their travels around the world filming for The Seed Company. Ty and I were so thankful for Mack having an opportunity to meet Godly young men. The video and the Co:Mission should be released in January. I'll give y'all a heads up once we get to preview everything.
Click on the picture below to see their most recent video about Jenny in The Philippines.