A few months ago my screen printer approached me about doing a special fundraising project with a new design. Of course I was really excited, and I began thinking about verses to use for the design.
We have been listening to Bethel Music a lot lately, and I am really loving their song, "No Longer Slaves." Here's my favorite line:
"Im no longer a slave to fear, for I am a child of God."
I started roughly sketching ideas with the verse,
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
-2 Corinthians 3:17
I love this verse, and I really love what it means. The verses right before it talk about how God unveils our hearts so that we can know Him. We are unveiled, which is a really big deal. I know I often take that for granted, but for many years God's people did not have access to Him like we do. His presence was protected by the huge veil in the Holy of Holies until Jesus died and it ripped right in two (Matthew 27:51). There is nothing separating us from God. We can experience God, and we can have God's Holy Spirit living inside us.
I know y'all have probably heard all that before, but it's really amazing stuff!
With God, we have freedom from sin. Freedom from fear. Freedom from ourselves.
I think of all the sin God has delivered me from, and it's a long list.
Bitterness. Despair. Fear. Anxiety. Pride....
But that's not who I am anymore! And that mess doesn't control me any longer!
(insert lots of Hallelujahs)
God is so good, and it does me good to remember all that He has done for me. As I continue to trust and submit to Him, He is changing me and making me more like Him. That is a humbling and amazing thing!
We are not controlled by who we used to be, but are filled with the One who saved us.
Let's really live like we are free!