Last weekend I had the privilege of hearing speaker after speaker share about the work God is doing through Bible translation around the world.
I was wrecked, and felt heartbroken for the 1778 people groups (about 180 million people) that do not have 1 single verse of Scripture in their heart language.
Our goal is to get that number down to 0, so that every single people group will have God’s Word in their heart language. I was honored and humbled to share a prayer for these people, which includes wise words from many of the speakers.
Will you join me in praying for the Bibleless?
God, You are so good.
You are light, and Your Word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light for our paths.
You are faithful, and Your Word is spreading.
You are the God of every tribe, every language, every people, every nation.
You are the One True God.
You are the greatest Giver of all.
You gave us Your own Son - The Indescribable Gift.
You care about the world.
You are our Father in Heaven that relentlessly pursues us to complete His family.
You are Abba, Father.
Thank You for opening the eyes of Your people to Your Word.
Thank You that in spite of opposition, the Word is spreading.
Thank You for bringing people to Christ in the hardest places.
Thank You for healing our deafness so that we could hear what God is doing, & come and be a part.
Thank You for giving us Your Word in our heart language as a manual for life and so that we can grow spiritually and know You more.
Thank You that You have redeemed us, and we are YOURS.
For the 1778 people groups without 1 verse of Your Word, have mercy on them, Lord.
Turn their darkness into light.
Open their ears and hearts to be hungry for Your Word.
Reveal Yourself to them as the One True God.
Fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.
Lord, break our hearts for what breaks Yours.
Give us childlike faith to believe that You can do the impossible.
Help us keep our eyes on the shore.
Remind us what our lives would be like without the Word of God in our heart language.
Work in our hearts, and enable us to be motivated by the extravagant love we have received from You, and let us become Your image to the watching world.
Move us into action by the power of Your Holy Spirit, and Help us to remember that
Zero begins with us.
In Jesus’ name, Amen