Even if our worst case scenario is a reality we can still praise God, because He is still good. Habakkuk laid it all before God. We can do that too. He can take it. I’d like to share a few of my “Even Ifs” that God has been hearing about lately :-) Even if our son doesn't fully heal from carbon monoxide poisoning, Even if he continues to have headaches every day. Even if he is angry and traumatized and it BREAKS my heart. Even if every day I feel like I should be doing more for him. More for my husband, more for Heart Work Tees, but my body is struggling with my own health problems. Even if we are unable to add to our family by adoption, Even if I struggle with chronic health issues for the rest of this life, Even if my family member never trusts in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Even if … I will still praise Him. Maybe you too will find that after you pour these things out to God, He will reveal Himself so mightily to you and you will be filled with praise. It’s a messy, broken kind of praise, but it is so beautiful. We rejoice in the God of our salvation, not because we are capable and competent, but because we are broken and He is our strength. (This was inspired by Stacey Thacker's book, Fresh Out of Amazing. If you want to dig deeper into Habakkuk, I highly recommend it.) *Disclaimer - Some people believe that voicing our fears out loud gives them power. I believe that bringing our fears out into the light and surrendering them to God takes away their power. I am NOT saying to obsess over fears or dwell on them. That’s not good! But if we truly give them over to God he takes them, begins to heal our hearts, and we can move forward.