Encouraging women as they serve in everyday moments,
providing resources for women to share the Bible worldwide.

The Why
I started Heart Work Tees as a way to encourage other women in their daily service, and support them as they learn and share the Bible in their heart languages.
After reading a blog about the Seed Company, I was deeply moved by the incredible life-giving work they were doing in teaching women how to share God's Word in their native languages.
We originally supported an oral Bible story-telling project in South Asia that trained women on how to share the Bible in their native languages and thanks to the work of the Seed Company, that project was completed. Native women leaders are to this day continuing to spread the Bible in their heart language without needing any outside assistance!
Now that same proven method has been taken to southern Ethiopia, where the women are often considered possessions with little more rights than cattle. This project, Esther Cluster-Ethiopia, is a part of the Seed Company that is training and equipping local women to effectively share the gospel of Jesus Christ through stories that speak directly to a woman's heart.
They have brought hope to women in these poverty-ridden areas as they learn of their identity in the one true God, helping them see themselves as Jesus does. Communities have been transformed through this incredible work and we have been honored to have a small part in what God is doing in their lives.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as if working for the Lord, not for human masters.
-Colossians 3:23

My origional goal was to raise $5,000 dollars, and I am so happy to report that we have raised over $10,000 together for Bible translation!

I wanted to do something to encourage women
yet at the same time make an eternal impact globally!
The Seed Company brings so much hope to women in poverty-ridden areas as they help them learn of their identity in the one true God. They help them see themselves as Jesus does! Communities have been transformed through their incredible work and we have been honored to have a small part in what God is doing in their lives.
T-Shirt Partnerships:
Right now I am currently focusing on books, podcasts, and speaking, but I would love to partner again with other t-shirt companies to raise money for Bible translations in the future! Thank you so very much for your support and understanding.
Online Articles:
Read the Pleasanton Express Article here.
Read the From Scratch Farm Article here.
Read Sarah's interview with Simply Bloom